On this page, view the online status of available servers and get a little info about individual servers as well as future plans. The online or offline banner is not a static image and will refresh accordingly.
Server Status 1.21.3

xrd.me - Survival Multiplayer
0/12 player(s) online.
Connect: xrd.me
A survival world where the mobs might bite a little harder than you’d expect!
- Chairs
- DiscordSRV
- Essentials
- LogBlock
- Spleef
- World Edit
- World Guard
When we switch to version 1.16, the nether world will be deleted for new nether features to generate! [Done]
Check out our sister server!

Welcome to Xalancia!
0/30 player(s) online.
Connect: df.xrd.me
Minecraft [1.6]

This is a legacy server and is not accepting any new players at this time. If you have previously built on this server, then you may continue to do so. New players are welcome to still join and are free to roam around but have limited use of commands and cannot start any new builds.
This is pretty much permanently offline…
Connect at xrd.me:25516